High Acuity Response Team Training

NSLHD Clinical Training
Critical Care
Target Audience
Doctors and nurses who participate in rapid response teams for clinical emergencies.
Course Coordinator
Stephanie O'Regan
NSLHD Staff - no charge
Dates and Bookings
Maximum Participants
Course Description
To explore and implement a multi-professional team-based approach to managing the acutely deteriorating patient. HARTT also provides an introduction to human factors and non technical skills related to team behaviours. Aligned with Between the Flags “DETECT” Program (NSW Clinical Excellence Commission). Equivalent to Tier 2 (Level 3)
Specific Objectives
Structured approach to recognition and management of unstable ward patient
Clinical management and team-based rehearsal of common problems using ABCDE approach
Non-technical skills: Teamwork, leadership, communication
Skills: Obstructed airway algorithm, bag and mask ventilation, Advanced Life Support using ARC Guidelines
Reflection on practice, performance and interaction with others
Training Methods
Clinical skills workshops
Pause & discuss scenarios
Immersive simulations & reflective debriefing
Crisis Resource Management
Training Technologies
Video and discussion
Task trainers
Medium and high fidelity manikin simulators