Contact Tracing Conversations

Communication Training
Public Health
Target Audience
Public Health Unit contact tracers
Some familiarity with local PHU questioning guidelines
Course Coordinator
Anne Star
$660 per person
6 hours
By request
Maximum Participants
CPD allowances
6 minimum - 9 maximum
6 hours CPD
Course Description
Course Overview
Public Health (PH) plays a vital role in pandemic management. Crucial components of this include source and contact tracing and case management. The conversations through which these processes are conducted can be both technically difficult and emotionally challenging. Education of staff is of utmost importance for case integrity, staff and patient safety; particularly for those who have been deployed from their usual work environment to meet pandemic surge demands. This course, developed in conjunction with the NSLHD PHU, provides a 3 stage framework for conducting these conversations.
Course Description
Course Aims:
· To provide Public Health staff with a 3 stage framework for conducting tracing interviews
· To develop strategies for managing common challenges in interviews
· To explore techniques for thorough and comprehensive data collection
· To deliberately practice elements of the interview with simulated patients
Topics covered:
The course focuses on the following topics
· Preparing for the call
· Previewing the conversation and potentially breaking bad news
· Managing strong emotion
· Using a conversation structure
Topics not covered:
· The investigative process and local PHU guidelines
· Participants work in small groups with experienced clinical simulation instructors.
· The focus on the day will be practice and feedback using actors as contacts.
Delivery mode
This program can be delivered face to face in the SCSSC or via a remote delivery platform.