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Emotional Activation in Simulation: Measuring the influence of participant roles and scenario design

Peer Reviewed Article

O'Regan SA, Ekelund K and Watterson LM.

Simulation in Healthcare TBA

Lost in translation: the challenges of getting airway clinicians to move from the upper airway to the neck during an airway crisis

Peer Reviewed Article

Chrimes N, Higgs A, Rehak A.

British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2020; 125(1) E38 - E46

"It is a different type of learning". A survey-based study on how simulation educators see and construct observer roles.

Peer Reviewed Article

O'Regan S, Molloy E, Watterson L and Nestel D.


Consensus statement: Safe Airway Society principles of airway management and trachael intubation specific to the COVID-19adult patient group

Peer Reviewed Article

Brewster DJ, Chrimes N, Do TBT, et al

Medical Journal of Australia 2020;212(10: 474-481

Institutional preparedness to prevent and manage anaesthesia-related "Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate" events in Australian and New Zealand teaching hospitals.

Peer Reviewed Article

A. Rehak and L.M. Watterson

Anaesthesia 75(6): 767-774

CICO Preparedness survey

Finding common ground: meta-synthesis of communication frameworks found in patient communication, supervision and simulation literature

Peer Reviewed Article

Links M, Watterson L, Martin P, O'Regan S and Molloy E.

BMC Med Educ, 20:1 p45

The establishment of an anaesthetist-managed intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring service and initial outcome data.

Peer Reviewed Article

Olesnicky BL, D'Souza RJ, Jayram D, Kim OMO, Rehak A

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 2018 46(1): 74-78

Emergency airway management in Australian and New Zealand emergency departments: A multicentre descriptive study of 3710 emergency intubations.

Peer Reviewed Article

Alkhouri H, Vassiliadis J, Murray M, Mackenzie J, Tzannes A, McCarthy S, Fogg T.

Emerg Med Australas. 2017 Oct;29(5):499-508. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.12815. Epub 2017 Jun 5. PMID: 28582801

A sequential case series of 23 intubations in a rural emergency department in New Zealand.

Peer Reviewed Article

Powell E, Alkhouri H, McCarthy S, Mackenzie J, Fogg T, Vassiliadis J, Cresswell C.

Aust J Rural Health. 2018 Feb;26(1):48-55. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12366. Epub 2017 Aug 10. PMID: 28795511

 A cadaver study comparing three fibreoptic-assisted techniques for converting a supraglottic airway to a cuffed tube. 

Peer Reviewed Article

Olesnicky BL, Rehak A, Bestic WB, Brock JT, Watterson L.

Anaesthesia 2016; doi:10.1111/anae.13733

The Royal North Shore Hospital Emergency Department airway registry: closing the audit loop.

Peer Reviewed Article

Fogg T, Alkhouri H, Vassiliadis J.

Emergency Medicine Australasia. 28(1):27-33, 2016 Feb.

Observer roles that optimise learning in healthcare simulation: a systematic review.

Peer Reviewed Article

O’Regan S, Molloy E, Watterson L, Nestel D. 

Advances in Simulation 2016, 1:4 DOI 10.1186/s41077-015-0004-8

Remotely versus locally facilitated simulation-based training in management of the deteriorating patient by newly graduated health professionals: a controlled trial. 

Peer Reviewed Article

Christensen MD, Rieger K, Tan S, Dieckmann P, Østergaard D, Watterson LM.

Simulation in Healthcare 2015, Vol. 10 (6):352 – 359

Comparison of the C-MAC video laryngoscope with direct Macintosh laryngoscopy in the emergency department.

Peer Reviewed Article

Vassiliadis J, Tzannes A, Hitos K, Brimble J, Fogg T.

Emergency Medicine Australasia. 27(2):119-25, 2015 Apr.

Reflective practice and its role in simulation. (Best non-research paper Clin Sim Nurs 2015)

Peer Reviewed Article

Husebø S, O'Regan S, Nestel D.

Clinical Simulation in Nursing 2015; 11(8):368-375

ANZCA Professional Document PS61 and Background Paper - PS61BP: Guidelines for the Management of Evolving Airway Obstruction: Transition to the Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate Airway Emergency.

Invited paper

ANZCA. 2015

Identifying incidents of suboptimal care during paediatric emergencies- an observational study utilizing in situ and simulation centre scenarios.

Peer Reviewed Article

O’Leary F, McGarvey K, Christoff A, Major J, Lockie F, Chayen G, Vassiliadis J, Wharton S.

Resuscitation 2014 vol. 85(3) pp.431-6

Preparedness to manage the “can’t intubate – can’t oxygenate” event.

Invited paper

Watterson LM

ANZCA Bulletin March 2013: 86-90.

Contextual information influences diagnosis accuracy and decision making in simulated emergency medicine emergencies.

Peer Reviewed Article

McRobert AP, Causer J, Vassiliadis J, Kwan J, Watterson L, Williams MA.

BMJ Quality and Safety 2013; 22: 478-484

Skills acquisition - a developmental model of learning preferences and performance milestones.

Invited Paper

Watterson L. 

Sydney Medical School, Surgical Simulation and Skills Development Symposium, Friday 26th July 2013, Concord Hospital Clinical School.

Prospective observational study of the practice of endotracheal intubation in the emergency department of tertiary hospital in the Sydney, Australia.

Peer Reviewed Article

Fogg T, Annesley N, Hitos K, Vassiliadis J.

Emergency Medicine Australasia. 24(6):617-24, 2012 Dec.

Mandatory performance reporting as part of health care reform: but where are the clinical data? 

Peer Reviewed Article

Watterson LM, Holland RB, Davies JM, Hughes CF.

Med J Aust 2010; 193 (5): 253-254.

Simulation training for ADF surgical and intensive care teams: a pilot study.

Peer Reviewed Article

Vassiliadis J, Mallett R, O’Regan S, Harrison K, Neuhaus SJ.

Journal of the Australasian Defence Health Service 2009. 10(1): 14-18

 Medical Students Have a Simulating Experience. 

Invited paper

O’Regan S, Watterson LM.

Northern Clinical School, Newsletter. Spring 2007

Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises: Development and evaluation of a college-accredited simulation-based course for anaesthesia education in Australia and New Zealand.

Peer Reviewed Article

Weller J, Morris RM, Watterson LM et al. 

Simulation in Healthcare 2006. 1(4): 209-15.

The training outcomes and environments of junior anaesthetic registrars learning epidural labour analgesia in Australian Teaching Hospitals.

Peer Reviewed Article

Watterson LM , Hyde S , Bajenov S , Kennedy SE. 

Anesth Intens Care 2006 35: 38-43

Literature review & discussion document on Junior Medical Officer credentialing to inform NSH credentialing committee

Invited paper

Watterson LM, Burnand J.

Simulation Training for Health Professionals

Invited paper

Watterson LM.

Private Hospital. June 2006

Crisis management during anaesthesia: hypotension.

Peer Reviewed Article

Morris R W, Watterson L M, Westhorpe R N, and Webb R K.

Qual. Saf. Health Care, Jun 2005; 14: e11.

Crisis management during anaesthesia: myocardial ischaemia and infarction.

Peer Reviewed Article

Ludbrook G L, Webb R K, Currie M, and Watterson L M.

Qual. Saf. Health Care, Jun 2005; 14: e13

Psychometric characteristics of simulation-based assessment in anaesthesia and accuracy of self-assessed scores.

Peer Reviewed Article

Weller JM. Robinson BJ. Jolly B. Watterson LM. Joseph M. Bajenov S. Haughton AJ. Larsen PD.

Anaesthesia 2005 Mar 60(3):245-50.

EMAC: A co-operative venture between simulation centres and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.

Peer Reviewed Article

Weller J, Flanagan B, Garden A, Morris R, Robinson B, Watterson L

Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2005. 16, 283–288.

Crisis management during anaesthesia: tachycardia.

Peer Reviewed Article

Watterson L M, Morris R W, Williamson J A, and Westhorpe R N.

Qual. Saf. Health Care, Jun 2005; 14: e10.

Crisis management during anaesthesia: cardiac arrest. 

Peer Reviewed Article

Runciman W B, Morris R W, Watterson L M, Williamson J A, and Paix A D.

Qual. Saf. Health Care, Jun 2005; 14: e14.

High stakes assessment using simulation - an Australian experience.

Peer Reviewed Article

Cregan P, Watterson L.

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2005.111:99-104.

Factors influencing prehospital and emergency department analgesia administration to patients with femoral neck fractures.

Peer Reviewed Article

Vassiliadis J, Hitos K, Hill CT.

Emergency Medicine 2002: 14, 261 – 266

Healthcare Simulation Technologies in NSW: Scoping Report

Invited paper

O'Regan S, Rawstron E

Medical Training and Education Council NSW, 2000.

Anaesthetic Simulators – Training for the broader health care profession.

Invited paper

Watterson LM, Flanagan B, Donovan B, Robinson B. 

Aust NZ J Surg. 2000 70;735-7.

Red-Back Spider Envenomation Requiring “High Dose”Antivenom Therapy.

Peer Reviewed Article

Graudins A, Dowsett RP, Vassiliadis J.

J Clin Toxicol 1999: 37:615 (abstract)

A Prospective Evaluation of Antidepressant Poisoning.

Peer Reviewed Article

Graudins A, Vassiliadis J, Dowsett RP, Liddle C. J 

J Clin Toxicol 1999: 37:632 (abstract)

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